Health Scan

Health Scan

Do you recognize that? At the doctor's for the result of a test. "No, you have nothing, we cannot find anything." Or perhaps you have the feeling that something is not quite right?  Check your health with the Health Scan.

What is the Health Scan?
The Health Scan measures your overall condition and health of your body. We measure the balance of your vitamins and minerals (including iron, zinc, copper, magnesium, etc.). Blood, allergies, lung, kidney, pancreas and gallbladder function, heavy metals, bones and joints, immune system, blood sugar levels, intestinal flora and much more.

The Health Scan detects imbalances or stressors in the body and can also be used preventively (before you actually become ill).

We will  measure you  and  you will receive your comprehensive report with specific advice. Any follow-up scan can, after following our advice, demonstrate the improvement in your health.

Contact us to make an appointment.

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